Yellow Tulip

Working on watercolor study of my garden again. It seems to be what I like to paint the most.

First, I print out my inspiration photograph and draw a grid on it.

Then I transfer the grid and drawing to scale onto the paper.

The painting begins.

Final watercolor: yellow tulip from my yard.

Were you creative today?

Creative Adventures is all about challenging yourself each and every day to create something new. Today instead of painting, making jewelry, designing a logo,  or teaching kids, I helped a friend. We reconnected and talked about the current market. e commerce has changed things and we are forging ahead. There is so much joy in helping others. Here is a sample of  Karen’s work.!/pages/Little-Bridget-Jewelry/278692656567?v=wall

Check it out at “Little Bridget Jewelry” on facebook or ETSY. I would totally wear her designs, how about you?

April Showers, bring May Flowers, and Prom

Old gardens are extra special.

Today I went with a friend to her mother’s garden which was abundant with Lilacs and Snowballs. It is not the fact that her mother is older than us that made the garden glorious, but the fact that the garden is mature. What a treat to have to climb a ladder to fetch these beautiful Lilacs. We have a special project in mind for these flowers, soon they will become a wrist corsage for his Prom date.

This week Dillon and I went to the store to purchase crystals for Kayla’s corsage. We used elastic cord and made a three strand bracelet—two of the stands were tight so they would hold the flowers to her wrist. Above is the bracelet we designed. It has one large teardrop crystal at the bottom.

Dillon wrapping the flower stems with florist tape. Lilacs and Snowballs.

The flowers were attached to the crystals with florist tape.

Kayla wearing the corsage. For me, part of having a creative home is sharing with my children. The time I spent with Dillon working on this bracelet corsage will be forever in my mind.

Flowers are my favorite inspiration throughout the year. I loose track of time when I am in the garden. Every flower, to me, is like a intricate painting from God—a glorious creation, right in front of me. What a wonderful way to enjoy flowers, by sharing them with Kayla. How can I NOT get excited? Happy May Day!

Poppies for Sandy

What inspires you? For me it is people, my kids, family, friends, special occasions like birthdays and holidays. It always comes back to who’s on my mind. Today I had coffee with a new friend, who seems like an old friend. She continually inspires me to be the best I can be. So today I paint for Sandy. “Poppies for Sandy” Thanks for the inspiration wise friend, and the laughter. Check out Sandy’s blog and you’ll know why I like her so much.

Spring is Here: Surprise.

Here in Southern Oregon we have had a very strange winter, and equally odd Spring. Winter, Mimi thinks, might have been warmer than spring. Finally this week the butterflies and bees will come out and do what they should. Mimi watches them pollinate and transform life in an amazing adventure. Mimi says—enjoy spring. Here at Creative Home, we believe in observing everything, alive, from nature. There is nothing more amazing than what God has created before our very own eyes.

Learn something new everyday

As you may have noticed I have been trying to learn to paint in watercolors. I believe the more I sketch and paint the better graphic designer I will be. Now, you may know that I studied graphic design in college. I had many illustration classes, but they never really taught us how to use the different mediums. It was more like, “Draw a vegetable with Prismacolor pencil” or “Illustrate an emotion with watercolor paints.” Now I try to dedicate three hours, three times a week toward sketching or painting. As I improve, I get more done in those three hours—and make less of a mess doing it. The idea of dedicated studio space is becoming more and more of a need instead of a want. Every time I paint, my kitchen shuts down—which is not good considering how much my family eats. I have joined a group on FB called Virtual Paintout which uses Google Street View for inspiration to illustrate from. Google Street View is copyright free as long as you are creating art from it. It truly is a wonderful way to virtually travel the world. Every Month a new location is chosen. Here is my first attempt: location, Stavanger, Norway.

I think the only thing I like about it is the trees, maybe the sky, but no worries, I am learning and it is much more important to like where you end up, than like where you start. I had some very good critiqing from one of my favorite children’s book artist. His name is Lee White check out this blog about him I need to work on focal point, and color harmony—just about everything. I can’t wait to use the information He gave me on my next painting. Another excellent site—for learning watercolor technique— I have been reading all day on watercolor techniques and viewing all I can find. If you are interested in taking this journey with me check out and sign up for Molly Murrah’s watercolor 101 starting soon. It is free if you watch it live—what a bargain.

As my age inevitably increases, I find myself surprised at how much I am turning back to the fine arts as opposed to computer arts—fine arts are constant and the computer arts are changing faster than my hair is turning gray—there is some security in that. I encourage all of my friends to challenge their brains with something new every day. It doesn’t have to be art. Try a new recipe, start a journal, try a new sport, rearrange your furniture, for goodness sakes, I don’t know—just turn off the TV and do it.

Update: A new challenge from a blog called the International Fake Journal Blog can be reached by clicking the “dog icon” on my side margin. I plan to take this challenge.
artist friends, please join me.

Foxglove Watercolor

Keeping my brain exercised while I’m waiting for work is always good. I get bored and want to try something new, this time it is a five week watercolor class. So I finally picked out one of my photos to paint. I used a grid to transfer in onto watercolor paper, and it sat for a whole week. Finally, tonight the background is started. Hopefully, it will inspire you to try something new. Take a peek.